

中村 勝志(NAKAMURA Masashi)

所属 人文学部 国際文化学科 (グローバル人材養成プログラム)
職位 グローバル人材養成プログラム講師
学位 M.S.Ed. (教育学修士)
学歴 MA TESOL, School of Education, Temple University (テンプル大学大学院 教育学英語教授法)
専門分野 TESOL (英語教授法)
主な担当科目 英語Ⅰ/Ⅱ/Ⅲ/異文化実習(米国I)
    How to acquire second language/How to develop learner autonomy/The role of identity in second language acquisition
    Second Language Acquisition/Learner Autonomy/Sociocultural Theory
  • The 37th JALT International Conferenceへボランティアとして参加
  • Teaching Volunteer through International Volunteer Headquarters at Saigon Tourist Hospitality College (2015, in Vietnam)
  • Teaching Volunteer through Volunteering Solutions at Gyanodaya Secondary School (2016, in Nepal)
その他 外部資金獲得状況
    JALT LD SIG: Pan SIG Conference Grant Award 2012
  • The 14th Annual Temple University Japan Applied Linguistics Colloquium, Temple University Toyo Campus, February 12, 2012
  • The 11th Annual JALT Pan-SIG Conference, Hiroshima University, June 16-17, 2012
  • The 38th JALT International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning & Educational Materials Exhibition, Act City Hamamatsu, October 12-15, 2012
メッセージ Choose a job you love and you'll never have to work a day in your life.
  • Development Beyond the Classroom. In Chartrand, R., Crofts, S., Brooks, G. (Eds.), The 2012 PAN-SIG
  • Co-constructing of Japanese junior high school students' transnational identities in MSSP. In Uehara, S., Richard, JP. J., & Beglar, D. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 14th Annual Temple University Japan Applied Linguistics Colloquium. (pp. 31-37), 2012. Tokyo, Japan: Temple University Japan.
  • Learner Autonomy from the Perspective of a Teaching Assistant. In Stewart, A., & Suginaga, J. (Eds.), Learning Learning 19 (3) Autumn. (pp. 10-12), 2012. Tokyo, Japan: JALT Learner Development SIG.